Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Easiest Bone Break Your Body Whats The Easiest Bone To Break In Your Body?

Whats the easiest bone to break in your body? - easiest bone break your body

Probably the toes, many people break and not even know. Moreover, there is not much you can do for a toe. I mean when the DR quite clever I think I could make a small shape for him.


ஐღSabrin... said...

I would say that the skull or ribs

lollypop said...

break in any case, the nose may suddenly

MATTinAZ said...

Try to know what they want to break bones, but I will not try too hard? lol!

I would say that the feet are the easiest to break. That's why they make you wear boots safety on construction sites. Initially, the finger would break human fingers all the time. then the third, I would say that the ankle. There are a lot of weight on the ankle, which may lead to break a little easier.

Yah00_go... said...

Only bone I broke a bone Sesma. This is a small bone, the ball of the foot. There are floating two, and like a balloon, only much smaller. I was not wrong.

A bone in the human body can be changed with only 6 pounds of pressure applied on the right track. Drink milk!

wrensnes... said...

Toe. When you walk barefoot a lot, as I hit something and BANG! broken toe. had a lot of them. painful!

toonew2t... said...

Easy? Or routinely violated?

Easy is the nose, but most people quite well protected, at least in general.

Common, I agree that the toes and fingers!

sam said...

I broke all
so simple
by the fall, fracture, etc.

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